Dr Angela De Rosa explains why testosterone is vital for women in perimenopause and menopause.

In this video, Dr Angela De Rosa discusses why testosterone is vital for women in perimenopause and menopause. She explains that low testosterone levels can lead to a number of symptoms in women, including hot flashes, lower libido, mood swings, and more.

She discusses the benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women in this period and the importance of testosterone therapy for women in perimenopause and menopause. She provides advice on how to maximize the benefits of testosterone therapy.

If you are a woman experiencing perimenopause or menopause, or you are a care provider for women in these stages of life, then this video is for you. Dr. Angela DeRosa discusses important issues related to testosterone therapy and hormone replacement and provides useful information on how to get the most from these treatments.

Angela DeRosa, DO, MBA, CPE, is the founder of the Hormonal Health Institute and DR/M Integrative Health. She is also the former founder and owner of DeRosa Medical, which was one of the first and most prestigious hormonal healthcare practices in the Southwest. For more than 25 years, Dr. DeRosa has been advocating for a greater understanding of hormonal health, especially as it relates to menopausal women.
She is the author of “How Your Doctor is Slowly Killing You.”

Connect with Dr Angela DeRosa https://drhotflash.com/

Follow@thrivingthrumenopause for more ways to manage menopause holistically.

If you're a woman in menopause who wants to thrive, then connect with me. https://clarissakristjansson.com/