How Slow Living and Slow Botanicals Help Our Skin in Menopause

How can slow living and botanicals help our skin in menopause?

Chwynyn of Slow Botanicals (Pronounced “Quinin”) joined me on @thrivingthrumenopause to talk about how botanicals can be healing and nourishing for our skin as we age,

Chwynyn creates beautiful, handmade skincare products made from botanicals she grows in her organic garden and harvests in the wild and include flowers, plants, mushrooms, lichens, and seeds.

Chwynyn's dedication to both practices is a part of her commitment to slow beauty.

She shares what Slow Beauty is and how it is part of a wider slow-living lifestyle.

You can find Chwynyn sharing her insights on slow beauty and skincare on the blog at Slow BotanicalsSign up to receive for her free download with practical tips on how to create your own Slow Beauty Morning Ritual.