Menopause Fatigue: The Surprising Truth

Are you feeling tired and exhausted due to Perimenopause?

Chronic fatigue is not just regular tiredness, but a profound and persistent exhaustion that can hit women at any time, leaving them feeling depleted and unable to function optimally.

Hormonal imbalances during perimenopause can lead to low energy levels and lack of sleep.

Additionally, we often forget about CHOICE FATIGUE, which can add to our exhaustion. When we search for menopause-related advice and products, we are bombarded with information. This can be overwhelming, especially if we are already exhausted.

Neuroscientist Dr Delia McCabe has shared her insights with @thrivingthrumenopause about why this is a crucial factor in our overall exhaustion, and why it is vital to manage perimenopause to support our brain health and wellbeing.