Thriving Thru Menopause - SE3: EP4 What Men Should Know About Menopause with Coach Allan

Even though every woman goes through menopause, it often seems that men understand surprisingly little about it. This week I am joined by Coach Allan Misner creator of the thriving 40+ Fitness Community, to talk about how guys could learn a little more of what goes on with menopause and how they support their partner better. We also a talk a good deal about nutrition, fitness and becoming healthier in our 40s.

We talk about

* How he supported his wife through fibroids and hysterectomy
* The importance of men being aware of what menopause symptoms are and what women may be going through
* Why two-way conversations matter through perimenopause
* How men can be supportive to their partner


* Coach Allan's own journey of turning his health and life around
* Importance of goals for your health journey
* How self-love manifests as health
* The importance of nutrition for hormone health
* Why fitness is being not about looks but about being 'fit for task'

If you want to learn more about 40+ fitness and different perspectives on menopause or want to train with Coach Allan then go over to 40+ Fitness Podcast ( )

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