Why sustainable health eating is about dropping the diet culture mindset

Wouldn’t you rather skip all cheating stories and diet culture mindset and just eat and live in a way that:

✨ Supports and nourishes your body

✨ Is unique to you with the food you like (including treats)

✨ Helps you reduce perimenopause and menopause symptoms

✨ Helps you fit into your sexy jeans

✨ Helps you have more energy

✨ Helps you have more confidence and better health

✨ Helps you do all that without feeling restricted, deprived or hungry

Ya, me too, so can I get a 🙌 “YES PLEASE!” 🙌

You need to get your brain on board about midlife and menopause and understand the diet culture mindset and how it affects you.

Cynthia is a holistic nutrition expert and lifestyle and mindset coach for women over 40. She helps women cut through the confusion with simple steps to ditch diets, be happier, have more energy and be in their best health. Sounds good, right?

Check Cynthia's new programme, Nourish Me, which focuses on the foundation of your health, which is how you’re nourishing yourself in a way that gives your body the building blocks it needs to thrive and helps you have all the things on the list above!