Why Your Skeleton's Alignment Matters for Movement in Menopause

This week's conversation @thrivingthrumenopause with @tracyseidercoaching focused on the importance of anatomical alignment and movement patterns for overall health and well-being.

Tracy emphasized the need to pay attention to the skeleton's alignment and its impact on movement and function. She discussed the importance of having a vertical femur and a posterior push-off in walking and the role of the glute muscles in initiating the gait cycle.

Tracy also highlighted the significance of balance muscles and the negative effects of quad dominance. She emphasized the need for a functional approach to movement that aligns with individual needs and daily activities.

Anatomical alignment and movement patterns are crucial in overall health and well-being.
A vertical femur and a posterior push-off in walking are important for proper movement and function.
The glute muscles are essential for initiating the gait cycle and should not be bypassed by the brain.
Quad dominance can lead to weaker lateral hip muscles and imbalances in the body.
A functional approach to movement that aligns with individual needs and daily activities is key.