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Hot Girls Pearls: A Non-Hormonal Way to Manage Hot Flashes

Hot flashes and night sweats are the most common symptoms of menopause. 80% of us will be impacted in some way during this time.

HRT and newer methods like Vezoah are there to support those of us who need it. But sometimes our vasomotor symptoms are less severe or we are unable to take medication for a variety of reasons.

An innovative way to tackle those hot moments is freezable jewellery Hot Girls Pearls that cool you down quickly and keep you cool for 30 minutes.

Leslie Myers who is currently the President of Hot Girls Pearls joins me to share more about this small but growing brand that helps women feel better inside and out. We talk about

What are Hot Girls Pearls and how the business came about.
Why and how they help women who are experiencing vasomotor symptoms
Where you can get Hot Girls Pearls

You connect here to learn more and buy them https://www.hotgirlspearls.com/